Saturday, May 16, 2015

Designer Passes On Wisdom To His Son With Beautiful Posters

When you’re a parent, one of the struggles you face is trying to find a way to get all of the years of knowledge that you have crammed away in your dome out of your head and into your child’s melon. But between work, school, and everything in between, sometimes it can be easy to let things slip through the cracks — not intentionally, but it happens.

Designer José Bernabé decided that he wanted to impart his knowledge to his son by way of these beautiful posters. He’s created a series of them entitled, “Quotes For My Son Raúl,” and each one is both unique and gorgeous in their own way.

If you’re going to teach your kid something, you might as well do it in style. Right?

via Behance and Design Taxi

Kevin Whipps is a writer and editor based in Phoenix, Arizona. When he’s not working on one of the many projects in his queue, he’s looking for fun and irreverent things online to share with his friends.
Designer Passes On Wisdom To His Son With Beautiful Posters

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