So I have two dogs. One is old and fat, the other is old and … not quite as fat, I suppose. The other day, I put them into the tub to give them baths, which resulted in me getting soaked and my dogs being clean for all of thirty minutes, until they ran outside and rolled around in the dirt. I love my dogs.
Which is why when I found this story on the web I just knew I had to tell someone about it. Canismo is, as they put it, “… an artistic movement created by a group of dogs that aims to help with the support and adoption of sheltered animals.” Basically, someone puts non-toxic paint onto the fur of these dogs, making them wet in the process. The dogs want to shake off the paint, so they do, applying the paint to the surrounding canvases. 18 of these paintings are going up for sale soon, but, assuming you’re not in São Paulo, you can also donate to Canismo today.
Man, I wish my dogs were this talented.
And now, the art:
But Why?
So why the heck are they pouring paint over these poor dogs? It turns out the answer is to get them adopted. Each “artist” is a shelter pet that is up for adoption. According to the project’s site, “The combination of different colours in the paintings shows the mixture of breeds, as random and as beautiful as each mongrel dog.” Visit the website to adopt one today.
Kevin Whipps is a writer and editor based in Phoenix, Arizona. When he’s not working on one of the many projects in his queue, he’s looking for fun and irreverent things online to share with his friends.
Ugly Dogs Create Beautiful Art
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