Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Designer Uses GIFs to Build an Awesome Animated Resume

If you’re a designer and you want to pull in some work, how do you stand out from the crowd? Easy. Make an animated video like Marta Berzina did, and then break them down into cute animated GIFs.

Now we know this would probably take a decent amount of time to do, and sure, not everyone has the ability to do this type of thing. But it sure does work, because if we noticed it, we’re sure other people have, too.

self promo from marta on Vimeo.

Kevin Whipps is a writer and editor based in Phoenix, Arizona. When he’s not working on one of the many projects in his queue, he’s looking for fun and irreverent things online to share with his friends.
Designer Uses GIFs to Build an Awesome Animated Resume

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