Friday, January 16, 2015

Check Out These Creative Market Design Updates

2014 was an amazing year for Creative Market. We experienced a ton of growth and positive changes, but we’re not finished yet. We’re kicking off 2015 with some big redesigns that we’d love to show you. Read on to learn more.

Home Page

Our new home page features a much-needed, simple explanation about who we are and what we do:


You’ll also see newly designed sections for popular products, free goods, and community, which features recent blog posts and a link to our Discussions page.





Category Pages

The new category pages have been streamlined to improve the overall shopping experience, with a nice, expanded view for signed out viewers and a more compact header when you’re signed in.



You’ll also see some improved navigation and filtering options:



New Thumbnail Hovers

Another great update that you’ll see all over the site is a refreshed thumbnail hover view. You now have quick access to like any product, add it to a collection, or pin it on Pinterest.


Other Recent Updates

Near the end of last year, we made a ton of other updates that you may have noticed. Here are a few of them:

  • Launched a new and improved Careers page

  • Improved photo upload experience

  • Launched new Partner Page with improved stats tracking

  • Added new subcategories to Themes

  • Made relevant blog content more visible throughout the site

  • Improved mobile experience




What Do You Think?

That’s all for now, but stay tuned because we’ve got a lot of amazing updates planned for 2015. In the mean time, leave a comment below and let us know what you think. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Check Out These Creative Market Design Updates

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