Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Pay It Forward Bundle: $4,500+ in Products and Services, Pay What You Want

What if I told you that you could help provide much-needed medical care to people all over the world while scoring a load of professional creative goods and services for yourself? That’s exactly what the Pay It Forward Bundle does. It’s a massive collection of over ,500 worth of goods and services. Not only does it feature several products from some of Creative Market’s best shops, it also includes great offerings from companies like Dribbble, Skillshare, and Threadless. The best part? You pay whatever you want. All proceeds will go to Watsi to help fund healthcare for those in need.

To learn more, read on or visit


Take Part in a Global Healthcare Initiative

100% of the proceeds from the sale of this bundle will go to Watsi, an organization that partners patients from all over the world who can’t afford medical care with donors via the web.


Everyone who purchases the Pay It Forward Bundle will directly contribute to Watsi’s cause.

What’s In The Bundle?

We’re passionate about the idea that the design community can be a force for great change in the world, and we’ve partnered up with some fantastic companies who agree. Below, you can see what each company has offered up for the Pay It Forward Bundle. All you have to do is name your price and you’ll receive all of these awesome products and services.


Creative Market Products Included

A huge thanks goes out to over 20 awesome Creative Market shop owners who were generous enough to donate 90+ items worth over ,100 to the bundle. Here’s a list of all the amazing products included.

Rob Brink

Vintage Design Co.

Matt Borchert

Hal Gatewood


Gabor Monori






Maria Dattola

Graphic Box


Rachael Towne





Pankogut Design


RetroSupply Co.

Help Us Make A Difference

To grab your bundle and make a positive impact in global healthcare, head over to the Pay It Forward website. Whether you can spare a few bucks or a few hundred, your contributions will be appreciated!

The Pay It Forward Bundle: $4,500+ in Products and Services, Pay What You Want

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