Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Creative Market Hits 1 Million Members!

It’s time to celebrate folks! Yesterday morning, June 1, 2015, the Creative Market community reached one million members!

That’s right, 1,000,000. If the Creative Market community were a country, its population size would be larger than Fiji. In fact, we’re coming up fast on the population of the Republic of Cyprus!

Who was that lucky one millionth member you ask? None other than the wonderful Sian Adamson, of Dunedin, New Zealand. Make sure to give Sian a warm Creative Market welcome in the comment section below.

In honor of this important milestone, we’ve launched a celebratory “trip through time,” where you can take a look back through the history of Creative Market, learn about important events, and watch the community grow.


As our way of saying, “thank you for being such an awesome community,” we’ve also got a special gift for you down near the bottom of the page. Check it out, share with your friends, and help us celebrate this special occasion.

Thank you for making Creative Market the kind of community that a million people are excited to join!

Creative Market Hits 1 Million Members!

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