Friday, June 12, 2015

10 Terrific Typographic Postcards

I’ve been on a few trips recently, but nowhere particularly exciting. Sure, I’d love to go to London and take the kids to see all the sights, or maybe wander the beaches of Brazil with my wife and taking in all the culture. But no, most of the time is spent sitting where I am now, with an elderly beagle to my right, hammering away on a keyboard.

Sigh. I need a vaction.

In the meantime, something that helps me is living vicariously through other people’s experiences. And when I can’t do that, I like looking at cool postcards. I mean, I might be slowly weeping into a travel pillow while I’m doing it, but it’s still cool to check out, right? Please tell me that’s enough, because this beagle isn’t providing the emotional support I need.

via Design Taxi and Holiday Matinee

Kevin Whipps is a writer and editor based in Phoenix, Arizona. When he’s not working on one of the many projects in his queue, he’s looking for fun and irreverent things online to share with his friends.
10 Terrific Typographic Postcards

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