Keeping up with the new releases in web design is not easy. There are new tools, libraries and frameworks seemingly released every other day. The good news is we’re here to summarize everything up for you.
In total, we have trimmed this CSS and JavaScript resource collection down to our 50 favorites, just to make things easier for you.
All of the tools, libraries and frameworks have been categorized into the following categories: CSS Libraries & Toolkits, Flexbox Tools, Responsive Web Frameworks, Material Design Frameworks, Random CSS Stuff, JavaScript Libraries & Frameworks and finally a bunch of Web-Based Apps.
CSS Libraries & Toolkits
Fileicon, a collection of pure CSS file icons.
Marx, the stylish CSS reset with no Javacript or Classes. Just raw CSS.
Transformicons – Animated icons, symbols and buttons using SVG and CSS.
sanitize.css makes browsers render elements consistently and allows you to style with today’s best practices out-of-the-box.
Loaders.css, a collection of performance-focused pure css loading animations.
SassyFlags is a simple library for adding flags to your websites.
Primer, the CSS toolkit and guidelines that power GitHub.
Flickity, a CSS library that makes galleries & sliders feel lively and effortless.
Pushy, a responsive off-canvas navigation menu using CSS transforms & transitions.
CSS Stats, a tool that will visualize useful stats about your CSS.
Flexbox Tools
flexbox in 5 minutes, an interactive tour of all the major features of the CSS property: flexbox.
Flexbugs, a community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds
cssPlus, a robust, fast and cross browser layout scaffolding based on Flexbox.
Responsive Web Frameworks, a responsive and flexible grid system CSS framework (CSS, Sass, LESS and Stylus).
Rin, a lean, gulp-based HTML and SASS boilerplate for better front-end coding.
Wee, a lightweight front-end framework for logically building complex, responsive web projects.
spaceBase, a Sass-based responsive CSS framework.
Decorator, a new HTML, CSS, and JavaScript front-end framework.
Rebar, a new Sass / Stylus grid framework.
Lost, a SCSS or Stylus fractional grid system built with calc().
RWDGRID, a responsive grid system based on the 960 grid system.
Manhattan, a clean, lightweight and customisable CSS grid system.
Material Design Frameworks
Material, a HTML5 UI framework based on Material Design.
LumX, the first responsive front-end framework based on AngularJS & Material Design specs.
MUI, a lightweight Material Design web framework.
Random CSS Stuff
icono, a set of pure CSS icons with only one element.
CSS Gradient Animator, a web-based tool for generating animated gradients.
localFont, a web app for implementing localStorage web font caching in seconds.
Web Font Load – The easiest way to install all of the Google Web Fonts on OSX.
ai2html, an open-source script for Adobe Illustrator that converts Illustrator documents into HTML and CSS.
JavaScript Libraries & Frameworks
Marx, the stylish CSS reset with no Javacript or Classes. Just raw CSS.
Sprint, a tiny, lightning fast jQuery-like library for modern browsers.
Svidget.js, a JavaScript framework for building fantastic SVG widgets.
Challenger.js, a drop-in JS library that adds interactive programming pop-up challenges to any page.
Vorlon.JS, an open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing JS.
Layzr.js, a small, fast, modern, and dependency-free library for lazy loading.
Clusterize.js, a tiny vanilla JS plugin to display large data sets easily.
Elevator.js, a "back to top" button that behaves like a real elevator.
egg.js, a simple javascript library to add easter eggs to web pages.
epicGrid, a pure, lightweight, responsive Javascript solution for building grid systems.
ramjet.js, a library that morphs DOM elements from one state to another with smooth transitions.
ItemSlide.js, a simple JavaScript touch carousel with support for touch swiping & mousewheel scrolling.
Plumin.js – Create and manipulate fonts using Javascript.
Smiley.js, a script for rotating smiley faces on your site to the correct viewing.
vivus.js, a lightweight JavaScript class that allows you to animate SVGs.
Rimg – A pure JS responsive image solution for browsers that support mediaqueries.
Animsition, a simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions.
Unicoder.js, a JS library that converts text to some of the more artistic unicode alphabets.
Space.js, an HTML-driven JavaScript library for narrative 3D-scrolling.
cta.js, a lightweight library for animating your "action-to-effect" paths.
Awesomplete, an ultra lightweight, highly customizable and simple autocomplete jQuery plugin.
Select or Die, a jQuery plugin to style <select> elements.
Textures.js — a set of SVG elements for data visualization.
datedropper, a jQuery plugin that offers an easy way to manage dates for input fields.
underline.js, a Javascript library that sets out draw and animate the most perfect and playful text underline.
lory.js, a touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript.
snabbt.js, a minimalistic Javascript animation library that will translate, rotate, scale, skew and resize elements.
Slideout.js, a touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
JavaScript Garden, a collection of docs about the quirkier parts of JavaScript.
Web-Based Apps
Epic Favicon Generator, a tool for generating 20 favicon sizes.
gitgoodies, a collection of shortcuts for the Git commands you use everyday.
CIRCULUS.SVG, an SVG circular menu generator.
CSS Ruler, a handy web-based tool for exploring CSS lengths.
Stickshift – A clean & modern SQL data interface.
T3 JavaScript Framework, a minimalist JavaScript framework that provides core structure to code.
SVGOMG, a web-based app for optimizing and configuring SVGO.
HTML Arrows, a clean and colorful place for all HTML symbol codes.
.resizr, a simple app for testing your CSS media queries.
A super simple Pie Menu Generator.
The post 50 CSS and JavaScript Tools, Frameworks and Libraries from 2015 appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.
50 CSS and JavaScript Tools, Frameworks and Libraries from 2015
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