Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to a woman who likely doesn’t even need an introduction in this space. She’s a musician, a writer, a designer, and a typography enthusiast. She’s got a beautiful Creative Market shop, she’s written numerous Creative Market blog posts, and she’s been active in Creative Market Discussions since the day they opened up. She’s Beth Rufener, and we’re so excited to announce that she’s now an official member of the Creative Market team.
Beth recently joined our team as a customer support specialist & discussions guru, and boy are we glad she’s here! For those of you who may not know her, or those of you that would like to get to know her better, here’s a little more info on Beth.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do for Creative Market.
I do customer support, and I’m often assisting on the discussion threads as well. I love design, and I love sharing design knowledge. I’ve gleaned a lot of knowledge from others, so it’s been great to give back. Design, in one form or another, has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I hope my design experience can benefit the support team and the community in a positive way.
What were you doing before you joined the team and how did you and Creative Market “find each other”?
I was one of those unsuspecting people who was lured in by the sweet little in free credits before Creative Market launched; unsuspecting, in that I never knew what a great experience it would turn out to be. I went from thinking, “I was rejected once; I’ll never be good enough to open a shop anywhere,” to “What? No review process? I think I’ll try…” So, since early 2013, I’ve been busy growing my shop here. After the discussions launched, I began chatting there (a lot) and getting more involved in the community. There’s really a fantastic community here. It has been a super fun, incredibly amazing learning experience.
When not at work, what do you do for fun?
When I’m not assisting customers or designing, I’m probably spending time with my husband and two children, growing my Creative Market Shop, Ornaments of Grace, listening to music, reading, writing, drawing letters, or gazing at some form of typography. I also enjoy playing the violin and singing, sometimes with my family and friends from church, when there’s time. When the weather is favorable, my husband and I like to take our children outside for walks.
Do you have any go-to music when you’re working?
I really enjoy classical and sacred music, especially from the Baroque period. I think its mathematical nature subliminally helps organize all my crazy ideas. Bach chorales are great for relaxation. Vivaldi is energizing and seems to help creativity. Sometimes, when I’m lettering, I’ll listen to any of Jane Austen’s novels from Librivox. Also, my family and I really enjoy the Piano Guys.
Have you seen any products here on the site that you especially like?
Vintage Design Co. is hands down the coolest shop ever. I love all of Laura Worthington’s fonts, and I admire anyone who can paint with watercolors.
Favorite product? It would have to be a font (I’m a little typographically biased) but there are too many to choose from! I’ve got a whole collection of the ones I love.
What inspires you creatively?
I’m pretty old-school, so old things, such as witty regency-era prose, illuminated manuscripts, and weathered wood, inspire me. I also enjoy reading and soaking in Bach’s perfect harmony. Music is a big source of inspiration for me. Typography and hand-lettering also get the creative juices flowing.
Any parting words of wisdom?
Work hard, be nice, stay humble, and never stop learning and sharing.
Welcome Beth to the Team
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