Thursday, January 29, 2015

Winners Announced: 2015 New Year"s Resolution Contest

We’ve got our winners for the 2015 New Year’s Resolution Contest! Congratulations to the following five individuals on winning a Skillshare scholarship. You’ll be contacted shortly to learn how to redeem your prize.

And the winners are…

Michael Cooper

“Happy New Year! Resolutions for me have never really seen fruition. I figured out it is because I haven’t had the passion or drive to pursue them relentlessly. This year is different. Why? Well, I spent 10 years in the US Navy and loved every moment. Since I left in 2007, I have been a wonderer, not really finding my place, having a hard time adjusting in the corporate professional world. I figured out it was because I haven’t been passionate about what jobs I’ve had since. Marketing and Advertising has always been an interest of mine, but now has become a passion. I feel the same about marketing and advertising as I did about the Navy, I love it! I’ve found my calling and my place in this industry is to be a copywriter. I want to create, I want to be a “creative”.

So, at the end of 2013, I quit working to concentrate on my dream. 2014 was a great year, I finished my BS in Marketing. I also enrolled in a Social Media Marketing & Web Analytics certificate program at UCLA, which was awesome! Now, I have been scouring the Internet job boards, LinkedIn, etc. for any position with a marketing and advertising agency and NOTHING is popping. No one is showing interest at all. I know it is because, I have no experience. Bottom line. Even my past recruiting and sales experience isn’t even enough to get me an entry-level Account Coordinator job. I now know what I need to do and what absolutely needs to be done. Sorry for the backstory, but I had to properly set up my official announcement of resolutions. After all, it’s best to write goals down, right?

My New Year Resolutions which will help me get my foot in the marketing/advertising door are:

-Build a Portfolio

-Start a blog

-Start my personal entrepreneurial social media projects

-SEO Certified

-Google AdWords Certified

-Attend Marekting/Advertising conferences


-Build my personal brand

-Become a dedicated student of my dream profession

Thank you and thanks to Skillshare for the opportunity to participate in this contest. I feel the prize and creative classes will definitely help me become the copywriter and marketer I want to become. Happy New Year!”

Ryan Galbraith (RWG Studio)

“There are some great ones here. Everyone is very passionate, which is awesome.

Mine would have to be to…push my design skills further to help more people celebrate the important things in their lives – So more people can enjoy life, be happier and smile more.

Whether it’s helping to launch someones new business, helping to land someone their dream job, helping to make an idea come true, help a charity voice their cause or even help celebrate love…what ever it is, I hope to help in someway through my passion for design and the web.

Have a great year everyone!”

Tatsiana Kandrashova (piyacler)

“My New Year’s resolution is to draw something new every day. I want to do it till the end of the year, but it will be challenging because I’m going to have a baby in a few months. I post my drawings regulary to keep the tempo: I hope I will succeed.”

Shawna Armstrong

“This past December I completed my first 30 day challenge and worked wonders for both my creativity and my drive. It showed me that, with a plan (and some people watching on social media), I can accomplish so much more than I ever thought. For 2015 I challenged myself to make a wallpaper design every week, and give it away for free on my website. Almost all of these designs will be focused around ‘awareness’, whether than be World Whale Day or helping raise money for my friend Mary who is running 4k for Cancer this summer. I hope to keep my design skills fresh by creating each week. I have been trying out new tutorials and downloading new bundles along the way – it’s been such an eye opener, so many opportunities! It’s going to be an exhausting year, but a great one all the same. Good luck to everyone is their own resolutions. Stay creative!”

Jackie Leavitt

“I came from a third-world country where computers and professions such as web design, especially for females was simply not an option. The path for girls there is not one of education or self-reliance, but of high dependency a spouse or partner. I have taught myself quite a bit with extremely limited resources, but I still feel a deep lack of confidence in my coding skills. So my resolution this year is to learn to code properly.”

Happy New Year!

To our winners, and to everyone else, we wish you the happiest of new years, and the best of luck on your resolutions, goals, and aspirations!

Winners Announced: 2015 New Year"s Resolution Contest

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