Saturday, May 31, 2014

Build Modals Using Pure CSS With CSS Modal

In web design, you need to have good content organization. This helps to give the users more readable and functional information. You can do this by building a neat and tidy layout on the website. To organize the content, there are many interface elements and structures you can use, and modal dialog is one of them.

If you’ve been creating modal dialog with jQuery or other plugins, we’ve got some good news for you. With CSS Modal library, you’ll only need pure CSS.

Hans Christian Reinl, the one who developed CSS Modal, has included a lot of advantages that come with it. Some of the advantages are that it can be used as a SASS plugin, there’s cross browser support, it’s optimized for mobile, it can be inserted with media (image, video and sound), and it’s small and fast.

Almost all modern browsers support CSS Modal. It has been tested on Chrome, Firefox, Safari 6, Opera 12, IE8, IE9+, Windows Phone 8, iOS 6 and Android. While it still has minor problems for Android 2.3 (scrolling being the biggest issue, at the time of writing), it still works well.

HTML Markup

CSS Modal has three parts to work with: header, content and footer. The header is where you can put the title for the modal. The content is for displaying the important information you want to highlight. This part supports text, pictures and embedded code. As for the footer, you can add additional information here, such as a close button, an open new window button, etc.

To create a modal dialog, you should use the section tag and some predefined data-attributes, class and id. Inside the section tag, an element wrapped with .modal-inner class must be included. Here is the basic markup:

 <section class="semantic-content" id="modal-id" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="modal-label" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-inner"> <header id="modal-label"><!-- Header --></header> <div class="modal-content"><!-- The modals content --></div> <footer><!-- Footer --></footer> </div> <a href="#!" class="modal-close" title="Close this modal" data-close="Close" data-dismiss="modal">×</a> </section> 

The id in the section tag is used for calling the modal from another function, by a link for example, and the value can be changed as required. a tag on the code, will be used as the modal close button. Attribute of the href should be left as shown above, as it will stop the page from scrolling to the top when clicked.

The header and footer are optional parts, which you may (or may not) include. But please keep in mind, if you use a header, you must add in a unique ID name and change the aria-labelledby attribute to the same value.

Don’t forget to include the CSS Modal library, which you can download from its GitHub page, to your project.

 <head> .. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/modal.css"> .. </head> 

Additional Javascript

There are still some issues when you use CSS Modal with pure CSS, such as:

  • Issues with IE 8 compatibility

  • Keyboard Escape button to exit

  • Scrolling background prevention

  • Focus effect to the modal and back to page after closing it

So to fix those problems, javascript is still needed here. Fortunately, CSS Modal has provided you with a lightweight javascript source code for your convenience. Include this code before your closing body tag.

 <script type="text/javascript" src='js/modal.js'></script> 

Final Thought

Creating modal with pure CSS still has some drawbacks, but it can become an alternate tool to further enrich your website. And you probably want to try something slightly different. With a little creativity, you could make some pretty awesome modals. Give it a shot.

Build Modals Using Pure CSS With CSS Modal

[Giveaway] Win $1000 Worth of PSD to Code Services By ReliablePSD

Need to get PSD files converted to code? Well, you’re in luck. In this giveaway, we are looking to give away 00 worth of PSD to code services by is the first ever PSD to Code company run by graphic designers for graphic designers. They expanded on the PSD to Code process to make it how it should be: stress-free and awesome.

Reliable offers PSD to HTML5, WordPress, Responsive, E-Commerce, JavaScript / JQuery, and more. All completed coding will be reviewed by an expert designer before it’s sent back to you, ensuring it perfectly matches your PSD. They pride themselves on awesome turnaround time, high quality work, and super friendly customer support.

The Prizes

We are looking for 3 winners to take home 3 prizes:

  • 1st Prize: 0 worth of Reliable’s services

  • 2nd Prize: 0 worth of Reliable’s services

  • 3rd Prize: 0 worth of Reliable’s services

How To Win

Using the Rafflecopter widget below:

  1. Login via your Facebook account / Email Address.

  2. Like Us on Facebook (if you aren’t already a fan).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

[Giveaway] Win $1000 Worth of PSD to Code Services By ReliablePSD

Apply Smooth Zoom Effect To Images With Zoomer

There’s a quote that goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” In web design, it becomes even more relevant. Especially when it’s about showcasing products, like in an e-commerce site for example. People need to get a clear grasp and be able to look at the product in a visual manner before they make a purchase after all.

Making the image as large as possible can’t solve this problem, as it will also take a huge amount of available space. Therefore the best choice is to make the image zoomable. With Zoomer you can make that happen with ease.

Zoomer is a free javascript library that enables your image to be zoomable. When it’s enabled, it will add its own style and a button for zooming in and out. It also supports multiple images, which will automatically be turned into an image gallery.


Before initializing it, first include the Zoomer script (which you can get from GitHub page) into your project like so:

 <script src="js/jquery.fs.zoomer.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

Zoomer will surround the image with its style and add a zooming in and out button. You should include the Zoomer stylesheet before the closing tag of head as well.

 <head> .. <link href="css/jquery.fs.zoomer.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> .. </head> 

Zooming In And Out

To create a new Zoomer, easily include an image inside a wrapper. Don’t forget to give the wrapper fixed height and width as all available space will be filled by the new markup. For instance, I create a wrapper with the name of .zoomable and define the height to 500px and the width to 100% like so:

 .zoomable height: 500px; width: 100%; 

Then I wrap the image I want to make zoomable, as per below:

 <div class="zoomable"> <img src="img/image-demo.jpg" /> </div> 

The plugin will resize the image until some empty space for the wrapper is available. And if you add more images inside the wrapper, the plugin will automatically detect it then build its own gallery with a pagination button.

So, is the image zoomable? Not yet. We still need to call the plugin and include the class we’ve just created inside it:


It’s done! The image is zoomable now.

Giving Options

If you not satisfied with the button, the background, the zooming increment etc, you can customize it by adding a small javascript snippet. Just put it into the plugin script like so.

 $(".zoomable").zoomer( customClass: "custom", increment: 0.05 ) 

The customClass option can replace the background wrapper of the plugin while increment can be used to increase the degree of your zooming, and whether it is "smooth" or "rough".

You can also handle a really large image that has been sliced into equal tiles with Zoomer. To do this, you must pass the tiles when initializing the plugin with source. Give it a thumbnail then declare all the sliced image sources using the following snippet:

 $(".zoomable").zoomer( source: thumbnail: "img/thumbnail.jpg", tiles: [ ["img/01-01.jpg", "img/01-02.jpg", "img/01-03.jpg"], ["img/02-01.jpg", "img/02-02.jpg", "img/02-03.jpg"], ["img/03-01.jpg", "img/03-02.jpg", "img/03-03.jpg"] ] ); 

In the HTML code, just call the wrapper without the img source like so:

 <div class="zoomable"> </div> 

There are still plenty of other options and methods available in Zoomer. Check out their doc page for more details on this.

Final Thought

Images can give users more detailed representation. There are many ways to display images to be as detailed as possible, such as applying a lightbox or hover zoom. Zoomer gives you an additional option to do this. If you have any other ways, share it with us in the comment box below.

Apply Smooth Zoom Effect To Images With Zoomer

Validate Form Inputs Easily On Any Browser With Validatr

Dealing with forms on the Web can be real interesting. You can do a lot of customisation in web design Singapore, on the label and even on the authentication. With a lot of new features available in HTML5, Jay Morrow created Validatr which rely on the new HTML5 input attributes to perform easy and automatic form validation.

Validatr is a cross-browser free jQuery plugin. It will automatically wrap the form border in red if the user inputs an invalid value. It also can do lot of input validation like email, number, url, range, color inputs and date.

Custom error messages are also available with various choices using HTML5 data attributes. You may customize the error message element with your own CSS, and the plugin has some pretty good CSS styles.

Basic Guide

To use Validatr, Include the latest jQuery and also the Validatr script in your project.

 <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/validatr.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

Then call the plugin with the following snippet:

 <script> jQuery(function ($) $('form').validatr(); ); </script> 

The plugin will recognize the form element to apply changes.

HTML Markup

As mentioned, Validatr utilizes the input element to work. The element is wrapped inside the form tag. The input element will handle all different form types and settings using HTML5 data-attribute.

For example, when you want to create number form, just add type="number" into the input and some additional requirements e.g. limiting the min and max number. If the users are not allowed to leave the form blank, just add the required attribute.

The following is a basic implementation example:

 <form action="./"> <label for="number">Number</label> <div> <input type="number" id='number' step=2 min=1 max=11 name="number" required> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </div> </form> 

The step attribute is used for value increments when the user clicks the increase or decrease arrow in the form, starting within the defined min number or 0. If the value is set to “0″, this means it uses default increment or increased only one point (the value must be a positive number).

And here’s the result when a user inputs an invalid value or out of range number. Our example uses 2 for the step which means starting from 1, the only numbers that are valid, have an increment of 2, that is: 3, 5, 7 and so on. The max value is 11.

For a complete list of other input types and attribute documentation, please head over to the Validatr page.

Validate Form Inputs Easily On Any Browser With Validatr

25 Websites To Download Free STL Models For 3D Printers

3D printers are going mainstream, as more consumers warm up to and adopt the idea of 3D printing. The Micro, for example, is a Kickstarter project for a 3D printer for consumers. It was funded in mere minutes. But you can’t start printing once you get your printer. You will need to get the materials and more importantly the blueprint to printout your product.

If 3D modelling sounds difficult to you, fret not, the Web is filled with sites that offer users free 3D models to print on their printers free of charge. In this post, we’ve compiled 25 websites that you can use to search and download free STL models for 3D printers. Hopefully you will be able to find what you are looking for in these spots.


Thingiverse is a website operated by MakerBot Industries, the creators of the popular Replicator series of 3D printers. The website allows users to upload and share 3D model files to be used on 3D printers. The site is extremely popular and has a large community of people uploading files of varying categories, so if you’re looking for cool things to print, Thingiverse is the site to visit.

[Visit page]



Similar to Thingiverse, YouMagine is a community website run by a 3D printer company. This one is run by the open source 3D printer company Ultimaker. It is relatively new (it started out in 2013), yet it is filled with interesting things to print. The community is still growing and with the backing of a major 3D printer manufacturer, this site is one to look out for.

[Visit page]



Cubify is the website for the Cube series of consumer 3D printers, which is created by 3D Systems. The site mainly offers you ways to buy 3D printed items and files but it does make available some interesting free items, mainly under their Kids section, some of which children can customize using a web app.

[Visit page]


My Mini Factory

My Mini Factory is the 3D model repository managed by iMakr, an online store that sells 3D printers and accessories. It also operates the largest 3D printing store in Central London. The site contains 3D models designed by professionals and all uploaded designs are tested for quality. You can also make a request for 3D models that their designers will create then share.

[Visit page]

My Mini Factory


The aim of GrabCAD is to “help engineers develop products faster”, offering tools that help them collaborate with their files. But for the average 3D printing enthusiast, the best part of the site is their large library of free files created by a community of over a million engineers. Registration is required but the number of files offered is worth it.

[Visit page]



DEFCAD is a website currently in its alpha phase. It acts as a search engine for 3D printable models and a community forum for 3D modelers. The site is created by Defence Distributed, which release the plans for their 3D printed gun, the Liberator (now removed) on it.

[Visit page]


Autodesk 123D

Autodesk 123D is a suite of computer aided design (CAD) and 3D modeling tools aimed specifically at hobbyists. Along with the suite of tools, Autodesk also has a website where users can upload their creations and share it with other users. Many of the models can be downloaded and printed, using Autodesk as a utility to interface with MakerBot 3D printer.

[Visit page]

Autodesk 123D


3DVIA is a company that offers 3D modeling and publishing tools that are aimed at both the consumer and professionals. Their website offers a Content Warehouse, where the community hosts and shares their contents. Registration is required to download the files.

[Visit page]



Cubehero is a website that allows users to host and organize their 3D printed projects in order to aid further collaboration on their work. Think of it as a GitHub for 3D printing, where users can share their files, discuss projects and contribute to them. There is also a way to make request, so if you can’t find what you are looking for, you can request for it from the community.

[Visit page]



Billing itself as a 3D Printing Social Network, Bld3r is a thriving community of makers who like to feature their creations. Users vote on the best creations, so popular creations rise to the top and get better exposure. The site features items that are hosted on the social network and outside of it too, like on Thingiverse and YouMagine.

[Visit page]



Another 3D printing community, Sproutform is a website dedicated to giving users ways to share their design and help people print 3D creations. Sproutform has a system that tries to learn what you like. The more you interact with the site by downloading and rating designs, the better it is with recommendations.

[Visit page]



Shapeways is mainly an online shop where you can purchase 3D printed items or have your own 3D model printed by them. But if you look close enough, you can find the people who sell their wares also offering the files required for you to print them yourself.

[Visit page]



Instructables is a community where users can share their DIY projects and this includes things made using a 3D printer. Also included are the how-to’s and instructions on how to build their creations, and some helpful designers take the time to answer questions fielded by the public.

[Visit page]



A French community and marketplace where modelers can share or sell their designs, Cults has a collection of high quality models you can download. Users can follow their favorite designers and modelers and get instant updates when a new creation is posted. The name of the site, Cults, is St. Luc, the patron saint of painters, spelt backwards. The website also supports English.

[Visit page]



Pinshape, a 3D model marketplace still in beta, is similar in style to Pinterest, in terms of layout, look and the ability to repin favorites. You can either purchase the model from the designer or download the files to print it yourself, if they offer it.

[Visit page]



RascomRas is a Spanish website that allows users to upload and share 3D model files. RascomRas at one point ran an Indiegogo campaign to fund their very own 3D printer. The campaign unfortunately didn’t get funded.

[Visit page]



Repables is a very simple site that aims to be a repository of 3D printed model files, nothing more. It is a barebone website that allows users to upload their files to share, and download files they want to use. The site contains a lot of small, simple 3D models to print, with a nice selection of everyday items and even replacement parts for printers.

[Visit page]



Another site that is taking inspiration from GitHub, ShapeDo offers a place for 3D model designers to share and collaborate on their creations. It offers users plenty of things to print, and instructions to get the best print possible.

[Visit page]


3D Hacker

Another online community for 3D printing hobbyists, showcasing interesting items from 3D printers, electronics and most importantly, 3D models is 3D Hacker. There are a lot of very cool model vehicles and buildings to print, along with add-ons and parts for your 3D printer.

[Visit page]

3D Hacker


Born out of a Facebook group, Fabster is mainly a platform to show what can be done with 3D printing. Quoting its founder Peter Sayers, Fabster aims to be “a kind of Facebook of 3D printing, with a mix of Thingiverse too.” The site has a great selection of 3D-printed jewelry and accessories.

[Visit page]



Fabribles is a fairly new community, so there aren’t a lot of users just yet. However, there is a good selection of replacement parts for RepRap 3DR Delta printers.

[Visit page]



While primarily a place to buy and sell 3D models of all kinds, not just those for 3D printing, CGTrader does offer a selection of free models that can be used on a 3D printer.

[Visit page]


Google Custom Search

When in doubt, use Google Custom Search to find the files to 3D print what you wish. This is useful when you want to search through all the sites at once for that one same thing.

[Visit page]

Google Custom Search


Yeggi is a search engine that will search major 3D printing websites for files that are compatible with 3D printers. You can also look up some of the popular searches to get an idea what the community is currently interested in.

[Visit page]



Here’s another search engine that will crawl the Web in search of 3D prints, looking through many 3D modeling sites for files compatible with 3D printers.

[Visit page]


25 Websites To Download Free STL Models For 3D Printers