Saturday, November 29, 2014

Pro Tips for Making Money When You Share Creative Market Products

Here at Creative Market, we have a simple affiliate system, which we call our Partner Program. If you get anyone to create an account at Creative Market, you’ll get 10% of all the purchases they make for a full year. How sweet is that? To help make sure you succeed, here are some great insider tips.

1. Know the Details

For starters, you need to make sure that you fully understand our Partner Program. The points below should help clear up most of your questions.

  • You must be signed up for our Partner Program and use your partner links every time you share something. To append your Partner info to a URL, simply add ?u=username to the end of it (where “username” is your Creative Market username). When clicked, your partner links will only briefly flash in the address bar and then redirect to the normal product page. This may cause you to think that they aren’t working, but rest assured, they are!

  • When someone clicks your link and signs up for a Creative Market account, you’ll earn 10% of every purchase they make for the next year. Note that this only works for new users. If existing Creative Market users click your links, you won’t generate any income from them. You can track your Partner clicks, signups, and purchases on the Partner page.

  • Don’t try to game the system and make income on your own purchases, or we’ll boot you!

2. Use Our Built-In Sharing Features

On every product page across Creative Market, you’ll find some handy features for sharing products. As you can see in the screenshot below, there’s a quick “Pin It” button for Pinterest and a shortlink for sharing on other sites like Facebook and Twitter.

partner program

Pro Tip: We find that users who share our goods on Pinterest often see a higher return than with other social networks. We encourage you to share across your platforms, but if you only have time for one, try Pinterest!

3. Always Share Our Free Goods

This one is easy. Everyone loves free downloads! Every week, we take six of our premium goods and make them free. Sharing these and telling your followers that they can get them for free encourages new user signups. Then when they come back to buy something down the line, you’ll earn some cash!

You can either share the goods directly or link your followers to Matt Borchert’s excellent weekly screencast that walks visitors through how to use each free good.

free goods

4. Build a Solid Reputation

Our most succesful partners integrate their Creative Market Partner links into an already successful social/content strategy. You can’t expect to create a Twitter account, send out non-stop partner links, and retire early with all the extra cash. Instead, you have to establish yourself in the design industry and build a loyal following. Admittedly, not everyone has what it takes to pull that off. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Share a variety of content and find what your audience connects with most.

  • Have integrity and don’t engage in any shady tactics you would be ashamed to tell your followers about.

  • Be unique and don’t try to simply copy what you see others doing. Ask yourself continually how you can provide a unique voice and perspective that people will find valuable.

5. Start Your Own Site

Building your own website that attracts a following is probably the single most effective way we’ve seen of creating and maintaining a reliable and growing stream of affiliate income. Sites like GraphicBurger and BestPSDFreebies have had a lot of success with this route.



Lots of different types of websites and content can be partially or totally supported by affiliate income. Here are a few ideas:

  • Design tutorials and advice

  • Popular link lists (think Product Hunt or Designer News)

  • Design Freebies

  • Podcasts (include links in show notes and blog posts)

  • Weekly YouTube shows

Stick To It!

Earning a decent chunk of income as a partner takes dedication. After a few weeks, it’s extremely tempting to give the whole thing up when you don’t see any money pouring in, but if you stick in there and create a strategy that you’re confident will attract people, you’re sure to come out on top in the end.

Header image created using Amelian Script Typeface and Vintage Wallpaper Background.

Pro Tips for Making Money When You Share Creative Market Products

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